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week 6.

Responsive & Adaptive Design

Atomic Design chapter 2

by Brad Frost


One would say that UXUI is like chemistry. 

atoms = building blocks

molecules = unique properties

organisms = assembly


There is 5 stages into working with interface design system.


1. Atoms - HTML, form labels, inputs, buttons, and others that can’t be broken down any further without ceasing to be functional.


2. Molecules - molecules are relatively simple groups of UI elements functioning together as a unit. For example, a form label, search input, and button can join together to create a search form molecule.


3. Organisms - smaller, simpler components in action and serve as distinct patterns that can be used again and again. 


4. Templates - layout and articulation of the design’s underlying content structure.


5. Pages - how UI looks like in real perspective.


Simple is better for computer experience. Atomic design helps people shift from abstract to concrete design.


A well-crafted design system caters to the content that lives inside it, and well-crafted content is aware of how it’s presented in the context of a UI. Atomic design gives us a language for discussing the structure of our UI patterns and also the content that goes inside those patterns. 




Ideas for Responsive & Adaptive Design

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Dolls Kill

Responsive Design


This website has a pretty good

responsive design. Overall looks

very clean and simple with a flair of 


The drop down menus are above &

only has 2 types of designs...

One for laptop/desktop and one for


The only few differences are that the 

main banners are minimized or cut in

half. The experience for the most part

is the same.

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Adaptive Design


This is a good adaptive website because it has all different kinds of views from different browsing methods. People on the mobile devices will have a banner on the bottom for our thumbs to navigate better and also it seems easier to buy things. This looks like INSTAGRAM's interface. 


The website online is more correct when it comes to designing a website. Everything gets bigger and design has changed.

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