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week 11.

Visual Design

The Most Exciting Design Systems Are Boring

Josh Clark


Goal is normcore!

Common challenges the better.

We are not supposed to be searching for new innovative ways to do things... we are supposed to curate. 


UX is about problem solving. We must extract the best solutions for these common challenges. We must make a good everyday design. Consistency is key. 

Also the more boring and simple a design system is, the more a designer and developer can change. 

Like Brad Frost, Josh also talks about the way design systems produce more results meanwhile without one will take more people to produce less.


What UX Designers must do is create the simple layout for others to get creative.

8 visual design tips for UX Designers

Kevin Rhodes


The UX life is usability.

The functional components of a design is one of the most important parts of creating a better understanding for the audience.

Aesthetics are also very important because the more attractive it is, the more people will be caught in it.


Beauty alters the way we behave.


Important things to think about:

-Good grid system that controls proximity

-Design patterns that show instant recognition to save time

-Think of user's view and create incomplete spaces and folds to let the user experience the rest of the information

-Balance out layout

-Animation for synchronic ways of viewing

-Lines of continuity

-Flat for orderly and simple

-CONSISTENCY, for the 1,000,000 time


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